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Love Mid-Autumn Festival,Shared Reunion。As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches,In order to further promote Chinese traditional culture,Enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the community,Promote communication and interaction among the community,September 13,Datong Company Party Branch United“Yangfan learns from Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team”and Great Wall Property successfully held a Mid-Autumn Festival Bet365 app downloadsnowskin mooncake hand-making activity at the Dongwang Community Party and Mass Convenience Service Center。This event attracted the active participation of many people,The atmosphere is warm,Continuous laughter。

Before the event,Member of the Party Branch of Datong Company、“Yangfan learns from Lei Feng Volunteer Service Team”Waiting for a group of volunteers, they came to the Party and Mass Convenience Service Center early to arrange the event site,Some have tables set up,Some prepare materials and tools for making snow-skin mooncakes,Some folding packaging boxes for mooncakes……

“Our snowskin mooncake production is mainly divided into rolling the crust、Bet365 PokerDumpling stuffing、Three steps to press the model……”Volunteers explained in detail the steps and techniques for making snowskin mooncakes to the people attending the event,Everyone listen carefully,Under the guidance of volunteers,Can’t wait to put on gloves and try making,Making pie crust、Plate stuffing、Suppression,Community people cooperate with each other,Exchange production skills,In a short time,Plates of colorful、Various forms of snowskin mooncakes are presented to everyone,Seeing the snow skin mooncakes made by myself,The faces of the people present were overflowing with satisfaction、Happy smile,The atmosphere at the scene is pleasant。Bet365 Online Live DealerMany people expressed their opinions,This is my first time making snow skin mooncakes,Feeling particularly interesting,You can fully feel the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival,It can also increase communication with neighbors,The implementation of this event is very meaningful。

The success of this event,Not only allows the people in the Dongwang community to feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture more directly,At the same time, it also enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the masses,Enhance the feelings between neighbors,Create a strong harmonious community atmosphere。In recent years,The Party Branch of Datong Company is under the leadership of the Group Party Committee,Insist on “Party bet365 casino blackjackbuilding leads the way to happiness”For the leader,Actively participate in grassroots community governance work,Give full play to the important power of grassroots party organizations in community governance,Improve working mechanism,Innovative ways of working,Improve service level,Actively build“Democratic consultation、Multiple governance、Co-construction and sharing”’s new pattern of community governance,Continuously improve the happiness index of the masses,Put“Red Happy and Harmonious Community”Build a better place。