In order to further improve the level of group news Bet365 betting websitepublicity,Enhancing employee photography skills,Fully support the group’s high-quality and rapid development,December 24, 2021,The group organized special training on news camera skills。
More than 30 employees from various departments and subsidiaries of the group participated in the training。
For this training, Wang Song, a senior reporter Bet365 sportsbook reviewfrom Xinhua News Agency, was specially invited to teach us professional knowledge about news camera skills。Reporter Wang Song has served as the photography team leader of Zhengzhou Evening News、Director of the Photography and Interview Room of Xinhua News Agency Henan Branch、Picture Director,With more than 40 years of bet365 live casino reviewprofessional photography experience。
Lecture,Reporter Wang Song displays his own photography,Taught everyone about image nodes in a lively and interesting way、Photographic composition、Photography knowledge such as shooting angles。Teaching in simple and in-depth terms、Vivid image,Existing theoretical height,bet365 live casino reviewThere is also practical depth,Full of useful information,Strong practicality。