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Gentle breeze、Green grass,The first day of Rotary Foreign Language High School’s new campus,The faces of teachers and students are filled with high-spirited smiles,The faces listening carefully in the classroom and the figures sweating on the playground interweave into the most beautiful scene of youth。

“Your company serves as the construction agent,Keep control of time nodes,Effectively overcome many unfavorable factors such as flood prevention,Successfully completed all set mission goals,Won high recognition from all parties……”Recently,Zhengzhou Chengfa Group received a thank-you letter and banner full of excitement and recognition from Zhengzhou Rotary Foreign Languages ​​High School。

In order to implement Bet365 app downloadbet365 casino live blackjackZhengzhou City“Beautiful Education”Decision-making and deployment of construction,According to the Municipal Party Committee、Municipal government work arrangements,Zhengzhou Chengfa Group undertook the Zhengzhou Rotary Foreign Languages ​​Senior High School in the municipal high school school construction project、Zhengzhou No. 14 Senior High School New Campus Project Construction Task。Since the project started,The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of Zhengzhou Chengfa Group embeds integrity construction into the whole process of project construction,Exercise strong supervision“Probe”Function,Guarding for the high-quality completion of high school construction tasks。

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of Zhengzhou Chengfa Group is committed to creating ";Integrity Project”,Vigorously promote the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era,Create“Three Minutes of Integrity Education”Micro Classroom,Make integrity education a fixed part of regular project meetings;Innovative bet365 best casino gamesbet365 best casino gamesestablishment“Qingfeng Interview”Mechanism,Adopt centralized discussion、One-on-one interview、Questionnaire Survey、Democratic evaluation and other methods,Perform their duties with all parties involved in the project、Integrity in the profession、Safe production、Risk Prevention and Control、Carry out regular interviews and exchanges on petitions and stability maintenance,Promote the integration of the concept of integrity into the whole process of project construction;Play the front-line supervisory role of the integrity supervisor,Focus on project bidding、Processing、Key links such as project construction,Keep an eye on the cards、Operating behind the scenes、Perfunctory and other disciplinary and illegal issues,Carry out weekly supervision and inspection;Smooth supervision and reporting“Through train”,Set up a supervision reporting box at the project site,Public reporting bet365 casino live blackjackbet365 live slot machinehotline、Report email and report QR code,Regular monthly unpacking inspection;Strengthen the project general contracting unit、Warning education for supervision units、Heart-to-heart talk,Prepare the "good" situation for project participants;Vaccine”、Fasten“Safety belt”。At the same time,Concerning construction progress、Construction quality、Production Safety、Carry out precise supervision on migrant workers’ wage arrears and other aspects,Promote the Chengfa Group Agency Construction Headquarters to shoulder its responsibilities,Promote high school agency construction projects to improve quality and efficiency。The two agency construction projects undertaken by Zhengzhou Chengfa Group are the first to achieve completion and registration among this batch of municipal high school construction projects、Delivery,The&ldquo who created the high school construction project;City hair speed”。



The 2024 Zhengzhou Autumn Large-scale Real Estate Fair kicks off, and Chengde Development Group’s booth attracts attention

September 20,2024 "Full Moon and Golden Autumn·Benefiting Thousands of Households" Bet365 Online Live DealerBet365 app downloadLarge-scale Real Estate display and trade fair grandly opened at Ruyi Lake Cultural Plaza in Zhengdong New District。Guan Jiamin, general manager of Zhengzhou Chengfa Anju Technology Co., Ltd., attended the opening ceremony,And introduced the supply of apartments for young talents in our city、Progress in the construction of allotment-type affordable housing and the “trade-in” of real estate properties。

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