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Enterprises managed by each province,Cities and provinces、Jiyuan Demonstration Zone、Airport area state-owned assets supervision agency:

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Deepen the reform of the state-owned capital authorized operation system,Better perform investors’ responsibilities,Effectively enhance corporate vitality,On the basis of regular evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of delegation of authority,According to the requirements of the dynamic adjustment mechanism,We have reviewed the Henan Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Authorization List (2019—2020 edition)》has been improved and optimized,The "Henan Provincial Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Authorization List (2023 Edition)" was formed,Now printed and distributed。

All provincial enterprises must conscientiously implement the list,Strengthening corporate governance capabilities,Make sure you can get it、Can catch it、Steady going。We must further consolidate the management foundation,Promote the institutionalization of management、Processing、Informatization,Perfect risk、Internal control and compliance system,Ensure that enterprises operate in compliance with laws and regulations。At the same time,We must follow the principle of unification of rights and responsibilities,Formulate and improve the authorization and delegation of powers to affiliated enterprises based on actual conditions,Improve the management and control capabilities of the group company。Cities and provinces、Jiyuan Demonstration Zone、State-owned assets supervision agencies in airport areas must be based on actual conditions,Continue to actively promote the reform of the authorized operation system in the region,Dynamic adjustment of authorization and delegation list,Give enterprises more autonomy。

The Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will continue to strengthen guidance and supervision,Organize and carry out comprehensive assessment and effect evaluation in a timely manner。For companies that cannot exercise their rights in a standardized manner or have major problems,We will urge rectification as appropriate or revoke the corresponding authorization matters by amending the company's articles of Bet365 betting websitebet365 live casino reviewassociation and other measures;Abuse of authorization matters,Enterprises with serious problems,Notices and interviews will be conducted in accordance with laws and regulations、Accountability。

"Henan Provincial Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Authorization List (2023 Edition)" will be implemented from the date of release,"Henan Provincial Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission Provincial Authorization and Delegation List (2019—2020 Edition)》Abolished at the same time。


Attachment  pieces

Henan Provincial Government State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission authorization list

(2023 edition)   

Authorization matters   



1.Provincial enterprises review and approve the mixed ownership reform plan of their affiliated enterprises (the main business is related to national security、Important industries and key areas that are the lifeblood of the national economy,Except for subsidiaries that mainly undertake major special tasks)。   



2.Provincial enterprises decide to transfer unlisted companies within the group for free、Non-public agreement transfer、Non-public agreement on capital increase matters。  



3.Provincial enterprises decide on asset restructuring matters of state-owned non-listed companies and non-state-controlled listed companies。   



4.Provincial enterprises shall record the asset assessment projects involved in various economic activities approved by the group and its subsidiaries at all levels。   



5.Provincial enterprises review and approve state-owned equity management plans and equity changes of unlisted joint-stock companies held by enterprises (the main business is related to national security、Important industries and key areas that are the lifeblood of the national economy,Except for subsidiaries that mainly undertake major special tasks)。



6.Provincial enterprises approve the free transfer of shares of listed companies held by state-owned shareholders within the group、Non-public agreement transfer matters。   



7.Provincial enterprises approve the public solicitation and transfer of state-owned equity in listed companies held by state-owned shareholders、Issue of exchangeable corporate bonds。   



8.State-owned shareholders whose approval by provincial enterprises does not result in the transfer of controlling interests in listed companies increase their holdings through the securities trading system、Assigned by Agreement、Subscription for stocks issued by listed companies and other matters   



9.Provincial enterprises approve asset restructuring matters between state-owned shareholders and listed companies they hold that do not meet the major asset restructuring standards stipulated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission。  



10.Provincial enterprises approve the transfer of a certain proportion or quantity of shares of listed companies held by state-owned shareholders through the securities trading system,At the same time, it should also meet the requirements that the shareholding ratio of state-owned controlling shareholders is not lower bet365 live casino and Bet365 Online Live Dealersports bettingthan the reasonable shareholding ratio。   



11.Provincial enterprise approval does not result in the public solicitation transfer of the state-owned controlling shareholder’s shareholding ratio being lower bet365 live casino and Bet365 Online Live Dealersports bettingthan the reasonable shareholding ratio、Issue of exchangeable corporate bonds and issuance of securities by listed companies controlled by listed companies。



12.  Authorize provincial enterprises to decide or approve the enterprise’s guarantee matters in accordance with relevant regulations,Responsible for the supervision, inspection and accountability of guarantee matters of subsidiaries at all levels。  



13.Authorize provincial enterprises to decide on the company’s issuance of short-term bonds、Some bond-type financing matters such as medium- and long-term bills and the issuance of various bonds by affiliated companies。For medium and long-term bonds issued by provincial enterprise group companies,The Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission only reviews the debt issuance quota,Debt issuance within the quota will no longer be approved。Enterprises included in key debt risk management and control,In principle, the proportion of bond balance in interest-bearing liabilities shall not exceed 30%,Bonds due within one year shall not exceed 60% of the bond balance。



14.Support the implementation of a market-based salary distribution system for professional managers recruited in a market-based manner by enterprises affiliated to provincial-level enterprises,The total salary level is determined by the board of directors of the corresponding subsidiary company in accordance with relevant national policies,Refer to the salary price of comparable personnel in the domestic market,Coordinate and consider corporate development strategy、Business goals and results、Compensation strategy and other factors,Confirm with professional managers,A variety of methods can be adopted to explore and improve the medium and long-term incentive mechanism。 



15.In principle, the total salary budget filing system shall be implemented for commercial first-class and qualified commercial second-class provincial enterprises。  



16.The licensing industry has obvious cyclical characteristics、Provincially managed enterprises whose economic benefits fluctuate greatly between years or have other special circumstances,With the consent of the institution that performs the responsibilities of the investor,The total salary budget can explore periodic management,The longest period shall not exceed three years,The average annual total wage growth during the cycle must meet the requirements for linkage between wages and benefits。   



17.After the overall bet365 live slot machineannuity plan of the provincial bet365 casino blackjackenterprise group has been filed with the human resources and social security department,Report to the Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for filing,Provincial enterprises review and approve specific annuity implementation plans formulated by affiliated enterprises。   



18.Provincial enterprises approve equity and dividend incentive plans for their technology subsidiaries,The expenses required by the enterprise to implement dividend incentives shall be included in the total salary,But it is not limited by the total salary of the unit that year、Not included in the unit’s total salary base,Not used as enterprise employee education funds、Union funds、Social insurance premium、Supplementary pension and supplementary medical insurance premium、Basis for accrual of housing provident fund, etc.。  



19.Equity incentive plan for listed companies controlled by provincial enterprises shall be submitted to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the provincial government for approval,Provincial Enterprise Approval Phased Implementation Plan。 



20.Support provincial-controlled enterprises to carry out various forms of equity incentives in qualified affiliated enterprises,The actual income level of equity incentives,Not linked to the overall level of individual employee remuneration,Not included in the unit’s total salary base。



21.Provincial enterprises are responsible for reviewing the "Excess Profit Sharing Plan", "Implementation Rules" and "Realization Plan" formulated by their affiliated enterprises,Among them, the group company's "Excess Profit Sharing Plan" is reported to the Provincial Government's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for relevant procedures。  



22.Provincial enterprises are responsible for approving new industries、New business format、New business model,Or follow-up investment plan for controlling unlisted subsidiaries in business fields with higher risks and uncertainties。   



23.Authorize the boards of directors of provincial enterprises to formulate compensation management measures for enterprise leaders who are not appointed by organizations,Determine their salary distribution,Realizing salary distribution in line with the market、Linked to unit efficiency,Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of state-owned enterprise leaders。  



24.Authorize provincial-controlled enterprises according to development strategies and plans,Research and propose businesses to be cultivated that have a certain development foundation and profitability,After approval by the Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, it will be treated as the main business management。   



25.Provincially managed enterprises to straighten bet365 live online casinoBet365 Pokerout property rights relationships、Internal state-owned property acquisition project to optimize resource allocation,It will be implemented by the provincial enterprises after making decisions according to the procedures stipulated in the investment management system。   



26.Support enterprises affiliated to provincial enterprises to select and recruit according to market orientation、Contract management、Differentiated salary、Principles of market-oriented exit,Adopt open selection、Open Recruitment、Open Recruitment、Select professional managers through market-based methods such as commissioned recommendation,Reasonably increase the proportion of market-based recruitment,Accelerate the establishment of a professional manager system。   



27.Eligible“Double Hundred Enterprises”and“Science and Technology Reform Demonstration Enterprise”,According to relevant national regulations,Exploring the implementation of employee stock ownership in state-controlled mixed-ownership enterprises,After approval by the Provincial Government’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Not limited by pilot quota。





Meiyu Talent Apartment Young Talent Representatives Participate in China·Henan Talent Recruitment, Innovation and Development Conference


Meiyu Talent Apartment Young Talent Representatives Participate in China·Henan Talent Recruitment, Innovation and Development Conference

October 27,The 6th China·Henan Talent Recruitment, Innovation and Development Conference was held at Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center。10 young talent representatives from Zhengzhou Meiyu Talent Apartment attended the conference。

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